Thursday, February 17, 2011

Later that day..

ate a great buffalo burger at Bullshead and felt like a million bucks afterwards. We hung around Peters freakhouse for a little while then he drove us around San Fran and it was beautiful. Going down Market Street in his vw toward the east side scared me a lot, even when I was sure of his good driving, all I could do is fret and think things like, "what if the brakes go?" I related my nervousness to everyone by recounting the many scenes from the movie "What's up Doc?" when during car chases through San Francisco, large plate glass windows being walked across busy streets get run into incessantly.

But with Esmerelda at attention between me and Tanya in the back seat we cruised happily around, finding Bay Front Park an industrial wasteland and hail on top of Crissy Field. Very pretty as the sun tried to break through during a walk around the beaches of and here we are back at Tanya's looking out on South Ocean Beach pre-pie time and the sun is trying to reassure.

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