Wednesday, February 06, 2008

fucking dogs

Ok, I have a broken ankle, have I mentioned that? Anyway, I am pretty sick of being all up in bed and queasy and lame, etc. so I came home at 4 30 and started hanging around my office/dining room and clearing off the desk and throwing shit away and just touching my stuff and it felt great. I wasn't tired or cranky or sore. Sure, I had my foot up and drinking a beer but no biggie. It was almost like normal.

Later, DbR came over and brought Peretz and the dogs immediately went at it and what I'm seeing from their behavior is that Peretz expects the worst from Pickles (unsolicited and nonconsentual humping) and preemptorily goes on the defensive and in doing this action he has become the alpha dog. Pickles hasn't gotten pissed about it to the point where he attacks in any way, which I am thankful for because I'm afraid of his mice and men proclivities. Only once did I see humping while Peretz whined and barked loudly toward him upon the hindquarters. At this we immediately separate them and discipline Pickles. So on and on Pickles will approach and Peretz will loudly bark and hysterically get all freaked out and That dog is too loud. Pickles eventually backs off but in the meantime, what a drag.

Time progresses. There are moments of peacefulness, but usually with humans in between. Pickles starts running away from the old loud dog. DbR and I start disciplining Peretz for his unreasonableness. At one point he herds Pickles away from where the humans are sitting. This is unacceptable.

DbR just left me alone with the dogs. They are milling about the living room while I am over here at my desk, away from them with my broken ankle. It's blessedly quiet. I glance over at the "couch" and both dogs are lying on the thing together....not next to each other but the "couch" is barely 6 1/2 feet by 3 feet big so they are together with nary a growl or nudge. Is there hope after all for our family? I was beginning to despair.

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