Friday, January 08, 2010


hanging around the couch with DbR and the dogs. No news on the refi yet, working on it. Meanwhile, he is enjoying Dr Who and I am enjoying my laptop. Its amusing to be exposed to this show but not really understanding all of its ins and outs. On this episode people's fat is sloughing off of their frames and becoming little white poptart creatures. Oh, dear, poor Stacy.

A more interesting thing to write about is my date last night with M. We went out to the H+O and drank Brutal Bitter Beer. It was a lively night, Jim and Val were at the bar being friendly. Val mentioned Howard Stern and I expressed my sympathy regarding Artie Shaw and she hadn't known about it. Little Maggie's moms were there and I told them about my new favorite tv show-The Wanda Sykes Show. At one point a crowd came in, Veronica and her two boyfriends and the bar became delightfully filled with the familiar. At one point Ms. Riley came in to greetings of joy them very soon afterwards she wasn't there anymore and someone told me she had lost her phone and was overly distracted. I just texted her on the phone and she didn't respond so I guess it is still lost. As we crawled our way through three beers each, I felt like I couldn't talk to M enough-we both had interesting things to say to each other and although I liked the other people hanging around I almost resented their interference. She told me about some family moments recently and encouraged me to do a comic strip of "Hangover Mom" and she and I came up with two strip plots and then Jim came over and after we told him about "Hangover Mom" he helped come up with an idea for a third strip. funny. He and M spent sometime discussing the Rufus vs. Henry saga which is fairly entertaining. We each were given a sip of Crème de Violette which smelled like an old bath but tasted like sweet yummy but that wasn't as yummy as when Lori and M both agreed that my hair was beautiful and indeed looked lovely at present.

I got some nice news at work today and I am having a nice Friday. I am happy about the whole weekend thing. We will be going on a drive south soon with the dogs. It should be very interesting.

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