Sunday, January 10, 2010

grand ole opry

We're going to Nashville next week for the wonderful Shirley's Seventieth. I had no idea what we could get Shirley, she has almost everything she needs. If she does need and want something, we would never be able to figure out what it was. I am a little bit obsessed with Nashville in a funny way and did a little research and I find that the Grand Ole Opry is performing at the old Ryman theatre while we are visiting.

I'm not super crazy about country music -I like old time music and bluegrass, generally and whenever we go to Nashville, I try to find fun and interesting places to go and music to see. Last time we saw this hella great band, Aquavelvet, which is a Burt Bacharach cover band. They were great. The time before I found a weird wayside bar where there were people doing that bluegrass jam thing. David was offered some moonshine by the proprietor (He didn't give me any!)

I've always been told about the OLD, original Grand Ole Opry and how the new one doesn't have the history of the old one blah blah blah and sure enough, I don't need to be told which one is in the movie NASHVILLE or COAL MINERS DAUGHTER. I would like to go to the original one and when I saw that the yearly stint in the old Opry was during our visit there I immediately wanted to go and it wasn't hard to convince David that it would be the perfect thing to gift Shirley. No one else would ever take her to a scene like that. I wish I could take her to see Aquavelvet, though. After we went last year I raved about it so hard that she almost wanted to go see them.

Laughing out loud a cheesy Dick Van Dyke Show jokes.
Go get a goo goo-it's gooooooood

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